Our passion for sustainability, health and beauty is what brought us, three people with a wide range of skills – an aroma analyst, a flavour producer and an economist, together. We have also been able to hone our knowledge through years of running our own distillery, which organically nurtures the creation of our unique FEHH products.
Be it scent, sight or touch, our FEHH cosmetics offer a unique sensory experience. We believe that feeling beautiful goes hand-in-hand with feeling good and healthy. This conviction – coupled with a keen awareness of sustainability and the Clean Beauty philosophy – is what true quality means to us.

FEHH was born of the sense of sheer dissatisfaction and disappointment we felt towards so many products offered by the cosmetics industry. Environmentally harmful and unhealthy substances are camouflaged by industry-wide jargon to keep consumers in the dark about the multitude of products they put on their skin every day. A change in how we think and act was needed – and this was where FEHH came in!
We want to offer you products you can trust. Products that work, products that convince in their quality both inside and out. Products that bring you joy.

Cecilia Etterlin/CEO
Master of Arts HSG in Marketing, Services and Communication Management
Bachelor of Arts UZH Business and Economics

Florian Grundböck/Fragrance Developer
BSc Food and Beverages Technology from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHF)

Gian Grundböck/Innovation and Finance
BSc in Business Administration specialising in Finance and Banking from the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS)
As a cosmetics and healthcare start-up operating in the highly complex world of personal care, we have a team of consultants who support and advise us in their different areas of expertise and competence. We are extremely grateful to them and use this knowledge for our product development in order to meet all health and environmental requirements.
We are delighted to introduce the team of experts on our Advisory Board:

Dr Charles Etterlin MD, MAS in Nutrition and Health
Charles has over 30 years of experience in human medicine and is the founder and director of the AG Sihldoc4kids practice. He helps us to gain a holistic understanding of the health potential and unique powers of the human body when creating our products.

Dr Danae Merentitis MD, resident doctor and PhD student
Danae is our go-to-doctor for specialist questions in human medicine. She points us towards the right experts and medical contacts. When it comes to understanding medical jargon, we can always depend on her expertise.

Roger Lang, President of Shared Services – Hamilton Bonaduz AG
Roger is a leader at one of Switzerland’s most innovative medical, measurement and sensor technology companies. He draws on his 30 years of experience in the MedTech industry, as well as his extensive qualifications in the areas of strategy, finance and supply chains.

In cooperation with ETH Zurich’s Feasibility Lab we aim to produce an innovative, hygienic and functional refill concept for the cosmetics market. Thanks to our collaborative research, as a start-up we have had the advantage of being able to think and act in an environmentally friendly manner on a broader scale much earlier than anticipated.

Derma²go Partnerschaft
Wir arbeiten eng mit derma2go zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Hautpflegeprodukte immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft und Technologie sind. Durch unseren Austausch integrieren wir ihr Know-how in unsere Produktentwicklung und Produktion, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Kund*innen die beste Pflege für ihre Haut erhalten. Wir schätzen unsere Partnerschaft mit derma2go und freuen uns auf eine gemeinsame Zukunft in der Hautpflege.